Monday, July 30, 2007

Now That Was A Day!

Saturday was a long... yet extremely fun one!!

It started out in the morning when I had been on my computer for about an hour, Ken got online and asked if I would be coming to the recital where both Wesley and Ruby were playing. I quickly decided that, yes, I would come... I knew I'd enjoy it, and maybe I'd get some good pictures too!!

There were quite a few students there, with varying levels of ability. They were all a joy to watch, and it was very much fun. Wes and Ruby played a duet together, and Wes also played one on his own. They both did a great job!

Soon after, it was off to Callaway Gardens for some bike riding! I had never been there for bike riding before, but they have tons of trails, all paved, that were a blast to ride. After a few small problems to start out, we were on our way around the trails! I took a bunch of pictures while riding my bike, which a few, mostly ones that got deleted, were very interesting. Callaway is a very beautiful place though, and we really had a fun time.

One thing about it though, I rode a little bit ahead with some of the older kids, and at one point Wes went one way, and the other three went the other way. Not knowing which way was right, I decided I'd spin around and see what Ken said. Turns out Wes went the shorter way, which is the way they usually take to get back. So I said I'd go catch the other kids and let them know. lo and behold, the kids must have turned around and went the other way when I went back to talk to Ken, so, I ended up riding the whole way back.. the long way... and much of it, the up hill way. Non-the-less, it was fun. There was one portion where there was a pretty long down hill, that I was probably going about 35 on, and it was a weaving trail. That part was very fun to ride down!

Eventually everyone made it back into the van and off we headed. Once we got back we all hopped into the pool, and what a welcomed thing that way. We swam for an hour or so, and got out so every could get ready for bed, because, yes, it was that late!

Following that, Ken and I headed into Yamaha, because Ken was called in the morning with someone saying how they needed another computer setup in one of the guard shacks by 10:30 Sunday morning. So we went there and got it all setup, and headed out. I think I ended up making it to my house sometime around 11:30 to 12. All in all it was a fun day!

Philippians 5:19, 20 "But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now unto God an our Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.

More pictures will be posted on my web album tomorrow... It's too late tonight. =P

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Pre Weekend Report

Sorry, not any pictures for today, just a quick post about what's going on.

It has been an extremely busy week here at YMMC. I can't say there's been any one specific thing that has been causing it, it has just been rush rush. That's not always a bad thing though, it definitely keeps you on your toes! I feel though that I need to make a post... I mean I can't complain to other people about not posting unless I post myself! =)

Those who get on in the next couple of days should see a longer/more picture filled post. Tomorrow my plan is to go over and ride my bike at Callaway Gardens. We should have lots of fun there. I've never done it before, but I have seen some of the bike trails, and have heard that they are quite extensive. So, it should be really fun! More details will be forth coming!

Luke 22:46 "And said unto them, Why sleep ye? Rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation."

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Post-Weekend Update

This was a busy weekend for sure. Saturday was the day we finally got rid of all the access to our Novell servers where I work... We were there for close to 7 hours setting permissions, and setting up scripts for the newer Windows servers to start taking the load. For the most part this process went off without a hitch. Although we did end up going in for about 10 minutes again Sunday night after church.

I really enjoyed Sunday School this week. The pastor was talking mainly about the name Emmanuel, God with us. He was trying bring out the realization that God is not some distant figure, that is somewhere out there in space...But that He is here with us, amongst us. He is touched with what we are going through. He also brought out how we need to get set in our hearts that we are where God wants us to be, and I quote... "You need to settle in your heart that you're doing what God wants you to do, it may be raising a family or working down at the saw mill, but you need to get it settled." Then another quote, "Have we surrendered all we are, all we have, and all we ever hope to be to God's will?" It's not wrong to have hopes and dreams about what will happen in the future, but we need to have those surrendered to God, and let Him work in our lives how He wants to.

Though it was a rather busy weekend, I did manage to catch a nap Sunday afternoon! It wasn't a very long one, but it was something. It was kinda nice because I'd been feeling kinda tired the past few days, probably because I have a slight cold...It's just hanging around nagging at me right now, especially the stuffy nose... I hate not being able to use my nose!!!

Anyway, Sunday night after we finished with church, and did what we needed to do at work, we headed over to Brewster's! That was something that I had not had in quite a while, and it was great!

Matthew 28:20 "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and , lo, I AM WITH YOU ALWAY, even unto the end of the world."

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Big Day

Well, the big day is referring to yesterday... It was Ruby's birthday! Ken had some meetings in the morning, so he came in early, and got to leave early! I on the other hand still had to wait till 8:00 till I left. Still, everyone waited for me to have cake and ice cream!!! Actually when I arrived, there were still plenty of people in the pool.

Soon, though, everyone was out, and ready for some delicious cake!!! There were also some wonderful rice crispy treats. Those things are GREAT! So, I think with all of that, the presents, and a world-wide call from her sister =) Ruby was quite a happy birthday girl!

This weekend should be an interesting one. Saturday, assuming overtime approval, I will be at work for a while. Mainly it will be for server upgrades, as well as a little bit of house keeping in our computer room, which, believe me, is much needed.

Other than that... not a whole lot going on. Recently God has been challenging, as well as encouraging me very much! Every time we open His Word, there are treasures to be sought out! As one popular song says, we should be seeking Him as a precious jewel, and to give up we would be a fool!! For He is our all... all sufficient, all sustaining, all we need! Just seek Him with all of your heart, and He will be there just waiting to show His glory!!!

Mark 10:21 "Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me."

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Weekend!? Again?!?

Yep that's right, the weekend wasn't actually over when I wrote the last post. So I figured I'd finish it.

Sunday, after church, we went back to Ken's house. It was there that we shot our new rifles! It was a load of fun. We also did quite a bit of swimming! Which also, every time, is great fun!

While shooting, one of the bullets actually continued on, and managed to take out a small tree!! The suggestion was made as of that being a fun way to clear out the back yard, yet a rather expensive way!

Today, while waiting in the parking lot, about to leave Yamaha, I turned around, and noticed quite the rainbow over head, so I ran quickly to my car and grabbed the trusty camera, and thought I'd share a few pictures with all of you.

So... mainly this post is for a few pictures, but my online photo album is updated too, with more than I show here, so I hope you enjoy! I've also added a voting section to the right, check it out... let me know what you think.

Genesis 9:15-17 "And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth."

Sunday, July 15, 2007

What a Weekend!

This one's been a long on, in terms of doing stuff... and a short one in terms of sleep!

Friday after work it began with a Small animal auction. I arrived there at about 9:15 pm, and met up with Ken, Wes, and William. Wes was there trying to sell his bunnies. With work, however, they weren't able to get there very early, and the animals go up for sale in the order that they arrive. Wes's bunnies... Well, they were the last of the auction. It was fun hanging out with everyone, and seeing so "different" animals, and I'll tell you what, one guy had a stack of animals that was just huge, he must have bought close to 200 animals... Maybe he's starting a farm or something... Anyway, we were there till about 1:30 am, and I got home around 2, and went to bed at about 2:30.

The next morning, Saturday, had an early scheduled leave time. We were to leave Mike's house at 6:30 am, so I was able to get about 3 and 1/2 hours of sleep.... I slept a little in the car on the way back, but not much... It was a fun day though, after we got Ken's air tank tested, we went over to the Gwinnett gun show... just thousands of guns, from every time period. The two most interesting, I think, were a WWII BAR, and a WWII Thompson! The Thompson was sold by the second time I went to that table... It had a price tag of $20,000.... The BAR was still there, sitting with a price of $26,500.

Well, I didn't get either of those guns, but I did get a piece of WWII history, a Russian M44 Mosin-Nagant. It's a bolt action rifle, that was pretty inexpensive, mainly just because there are so many of them out there.

I came home Saturday, after being at Mike's sometime around 6:30, I think.... I laid on the couch, and was mostly asleep, when Jesse asked if I wanted a smoothie... I ended up heading out with him and doing that whole thing, but as soon as I got back, I was on my bed, and in about 1/5 of a second, I was asleep... So... I'm feeling pretty good now!! Just preparing to go to church this morning.

Hebrews 10:24, 25 "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Well I've been working on updating the blog, with some of the events from this weekend, but I'm just to tired to finish, so look for something new tomorrow night hopefully. =)

Friday, July 13, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007

This is a blog entry.

Well for the first time in a few days, today has been a relatively cloudless day... Much of the day was characterized by bright sun, and in my opinion, not too high temperatures... of course I was in the A/C most of the day!

Today was filled with Chinese food for me, that's the only kind I ate today! Ruth had made some beef noodles for dinner at their house on Tuesday, and was kind enough to send some along with Ken for me to eat as well, so Ken and I practiced with our chopsticks for lunch! Then on the way home, I decided that I hadn't yet had my fill, and stopped at a Chinese take out place, and got some sesame chicken, with fried rice, and once again pulled out the chopsticks!!! MMM.. it was good stuff today!

Last night was Hannah's birthday party, for which I was invited for cake. While there there was also one of my favorites! Cheese cake!!! Made from scratch too!! It was prepared with cherries on the side, for those that liked that topping, and I happen to=) It turned out to be a very fun evening. After the cake Hannah opened all of her presents, and played with them a bit, and finished up by dancing around a bit in her brand new Princess dress!!

Now I'm just sitting down, calming down a bit, writing a quick post, and preparing to read God's Word. Over the past several days I have been reading a bit more than usual, and am really enjoying it. I've also started to write down what God is showing me, and already I'm having a good time doing that, knowing that one day it will be an encouragement to me, and hopefully to others too!

Last night through God's Word, I was asked a question. Do I have the care for people that Steven had???? Here he was, ministering to everybody that he could, and they stoned him. Yet even at the very last, he thought not of himself, but of those around him who wanted to kill him, and asked God to forgive them!!! Not to hold them accountable for what they were doing!!!! The real question is, would I care enough for someone who sought my life to ask God to forgive them, and lay not the charge of that sin on them.... I think more often than not we find ourselves much more offended over something much less than what Steven faced. Oh that God would give us the grace to truly have a care for the souls around us!!!!! That we would be willing to go to these ones that we see everyday, and show God's love to them.

Isaiah 6:8 "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

By Popular Demand!

Here I find myself writing again... I mean, it's not good when people are getting bored while looking at my blog... Sooooo... I have been encouraged recently that my blog should be kept more up to date!!! So... without further ado, here goes!

Recently God has been encouraging me so much, it seems as though, well I guess it doesn't seem, it really is, that He knows just what I need, just when I need it! Sometimes He can take my life, when I'm down even just a little, and just say "Focus on me, and everything else will fall into place."

I was reading last night in Matthew, and He did just that. As I read about Peter walking on the water with Jesus, He just opened my eyes, and returned my focus to Him. As Peter looked around and saw the raging storm, the daunting waves, the thunder and lightening, he lost focus of what was sustaining him, he lost focus of the power that was holding his feet on top of the water. Jesus asked him, "wherefor didst thou doubt?" ... Why Peter, when you are here with the LORD of all creation, and the master of this small sea, did you take your focus off of me and doubt??

God just gave me the comfort to know that He is in control... if only I would look to Him to be my all sufficiancy, to take care of me, and to work in my life, dispite what goes on around me... He will work it all out to my good. For this all I can do is say praise God!

As part of another suggestion, I picked up a little something yesterday... something that, should God in the future bless me with children of my own, I can share with future generations, to let them know how God had worked in my life. To let them know the struggles I faced, and how God over came them, and to remind myself of what God has shown me, and brought me through!

I probably spent a little too much on it, but it is leather bound, and some really cool pages inside. I also picked up a nice pen that I can keep with it so that I will be able to write whenever God impacts my life with something. I look forward to filling the pages with all that God can and will do!!!

Psalm 43 Judge me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation: O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man. For thou are the God of my strength: why dost thou cast me off, why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy? O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto the holy hill, and to thy tabernacles. Then will I go unto the alter of God, unto God my exceeding joy: yea, upon the harp will I praise thee, O God my God. Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God."

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Independance day!

I hope everyone had a safe 4th. The fireworks here were pretty good this year. We headed over to Peachtree City for the celebration. They were surprisingly long, somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 minutes, with quite a spectacular finish.

Some of us guys also had a lot of fun earlier in the day. There was a cookout planned for 2:30 over at the Caswell home. Soon after everyone arrived we all took our guns out back and did some shooting for about an hour or so. It had been a long time since we had done that, and there were some real cannons there that were a lot of fun to fire..

That just about describes the whole day. As we were on the way out the door we did finally hear from Ede, it seems her cell phone wouldn't give her service, so she ended up calling from a land line with a phone card. So, we know she made it safely anyway!

No pictures on this post... I didn't end up pulling out my camera at all yesterday, I was just so busy, there were no time for pictures, but I may try to get some from Ruth and Katie, it seems like they snapped quite a few, but we'll see....

2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Up, Up, and Away

Last night there was a slight precursor to today. There had been a cookout planned, as well as a little thing for Ede to take with her this morning... something that she can show to anybody in Taiwan that tries mess with her, and say "Hey, you mess with me, and you mess with all of these people too!!" Here they are.
So... the day has finally come. Not July 4th, but July 3rd. The day Ede fly's to Taiwan.

It started out with a very early morning. The flight was at 9:15, that meant getting to the airport at 7:15, which meant getting to McDonald's by 6:15, which meant leaving by 5:30 - 5:45, which meant getting up at 4:48..... I set 4 alarms before I went to bed last night, I wasn't going to miss this one. As for McDonald's... I wasn't hungry, too early, or just not in the mood or something.

Soon after everyone finished up, to the Atlanta airport it was. My body decided it would act backwards, as did some other people's as well.... Our bodies decided that it was time for a dry mouth and wet eyes... Sure we are sad to see her go, but at the same time we are joyous. Though she will not be with us, we know that she is following God's will in her life, and were she to stay, sure, she would still be here, but out of God's will. So through the tears, we will still praise God for how wonderful He is, and look forward to all that He has planned for Taiwan and for Ede, and for her return in 9 months. =)

Psalm 28:7 "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him."