Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Big Day

Well, the big day is referring to yesterday... It was Ruby's birthday! Ken had some meetings in the morning, so he came in early, and got to leave early! I on the other hand still had to wait till 8:00 till I left. Still, everyone waited for me to have cake and ice cream!!! Actually when I arrived, there were still plenty of people in the pool.

Soon, though, everyone was out, and ready for some delicious cake!!! There were also some wonderful rice crispy treats. Those things are GREAT! So, I think with all of that, the presents, and a world-wide call from her sister =) Ruby was quite a happy birthday girl!

This weekend should be an interesting one. Saturday, assuming overtime approval, I will be at work for a while. Mainly it will be for server upgrades, as well as a little bit of house keeping in our computer room, which, believe me, is much needed.

Other than that... not a whole lot going on. Recently God has been challenging, as well as encouraging me very much! Every time we open His Word, there are treasures to be sought out! As one popular song says, we should be seeking Him as a precious jewel, and to give up we would be a fool!! For He is our all... all sufficient, all sustaining, all we need! Just seek Him with all of your heart, and He will be there just waiting to show His glory!!!

Mark 10:21 "Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me."

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