Tuesday, July 10, 2007

By Popular Demand!

Here I find myself writing again... I mean, it's not good when people are getting bored while looking at my blog... Sooooo... I have been encouraged recently that my blog should be kept more up to date!!! So... without further ado, here goes!

Recently God has been encouraging me so much, it seems as though, well I guess it doesn't seem, it really is, that He knows just what I need, just when I need it! Sometimes He can take my life, when I'm down even just a little, and just say "Focus on me, and everything else will fall into place."

I was reading last night in Matthew, and He did just that. As I read about Peter walking on the water with Jesus, He just opened my eyes, and returned my focus to Him. As Peter looked around and saw the raging storm, the daunting waves, the thunder and lightening, he lost focus of what was sustaining him, he lost focus of the power that was holding his feet on top of the water. Jesus asked him, "wherefor didst thou doubt?" ... Why Peter, when you are here with the LORD of all creation, and the master of this small sea, did you take your focus off of me and doubt??

God just gave me the comfort to know that He is in control... if only I would look to Him to be my all sufficiancy, to take care of me, and to work in my life, dispite what goes on around me... He will work it all out to my good. For this all I can do is say praise God!

As part of another suggestion, I picked up a little something yesterday... something that, should God in the future bless me with children of my own, I can share with future generations, to let them know how God had worked in my life. To let them know the struggles I faced, and how God over came them, and to remind myself of what God has shown me, and brought me through!

I probably spent a little too much on it, but it is leather bound, and some really cool pages inside. I also picked up a nice pen that I can keep with it so that I will be able to write whenever God impacts my life with something. I look forward to filling the pages with all that God can and will do!!!

Psalm 43 Judge me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation: O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man. For thou are the God of my strength: why dost thou cast me off, why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy? O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto the holy hill, and to thy tabernacles. Then will I go unto the alter of God, unto God my exceeding joy: yea, upon the harp will I praise thee, O God my God. Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God."

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