Monday, July 30, 2007

Now That Was A Day!

Saturday was a long... yet extremely fun one!!

It started out in the morning when I had been on my computer for about an hour, Ken got online and asked if I would be coming to the recital where both Wesley and Ruby were playing. I quickly decided that, yes, I would come... I knew I'd enjoy it, and maybe I'd get some good pictures too!!

There were quite a few students there, with varying levels of ability. They were all a joy to watch, and it was very much fun. Wes and Ruby played a duet together, and Wes also played one on his own. They both did a great job!

Soon after, it was off to Callaway Gardens for some bike riding! I had never been there for bike riding before, but they have tons of trails, all paved, that were a blast to ride. After a few small problems to start out, we were on our way around the trails! I took a bunch of pictures while riding my bike, which a few, mostly ones that got deleted, were very interesting. Callaway is a very beautiful place though, and we really had a fun time.

One thing about it though, I rode a little bit ahead with some of the older kids, and at one point Wes went one way, and the other three went the other way. Not knowing which way was right, I decided I'd spin around and see what Ken said. Turns out Wes went the shorter way, which is the way they usually take to get back. So I said I'd go catch the other kids and let them know. lo and behold, the kids must have turned around and went the other way when I went back to talk to Ken, so, I ended up riding the whole way back.. the long way... and much of it, the up hill way. Non-the-less, it was fun. There was one portion where there was a pretty long down hill, that I was probably going about 35 on, and it was a weaving trail. That part was very fun to ride down!

Eventually everyone made it back into the van and off we headed. Once we got back we all hopped into the pool, and what a welcomed thing that way. We swam for an hour or so, and got out so every could get ready for bed, because, yes, it was that late!

Following that, Ken and I headed into Yamaha, because Ken was called in the morning with someone saying how they needed another computer setup in one of the guard shacks by 10:30 Sunday morning. So we went there and got it all setup, and headed out. I think I ended up making it to my house sometime around 11:30 to 12. All in all it was a fun day!

Philippians 5:19, 20 "But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now unto God an our Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.

More pictures will be posted on my web album tomorrow... It's too late tonight. =P

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