Thursday, July 12, 2007

This is a blog entry.

Well for the first time in a few days, today has been a relatively cloudless day... Much of the day was characterized by bright sun, and in my opinion, not too high temperatures... of course I was in the A/C most of the day!

Today was filled with Chinese food for me, that's the only kind I ate today! Ruth had made some beef noodles for dinner at their house on Tuesday, and was kind enough to send some along with Ken for me to eat as well, so Ken and I practiced with our chopsticks for lunch! Then on the way home, I decided that I hadn't yet had my fill, and stopped at a Chinese take out place, and got some sesame chicken, with fried rice, and once again pulled out the chopsticks!!! MMM.. it was good stuff today!

Last night was Hannah's birthday party, for which I was invited for cake. While there there was also one of my favorites! Cheese cake!!! Made from scratch too!! It was prepared with cherries on the side, for those that liked that topping, and I happen to=) It turned out to be a very fun evening. After the cake Hannah opened all of her presents, and played with them a bit, and finished up by dancing around a bit in her brand new Princess dress!!

Now I'm just sitting down, calming down a bit, writing a quick post, and preparing to read God's Word. Over the past several days I have been reading a bit more than usual, and am really enjoying it. I've also started to write down what God is showing me, and already I'm having a good time doing that, knowing that one day it will be an encouragement to me, and hopefully to others too!

Last night through God's Word, I was asked a question. Do I have the care for people that Steven had???? Here he was, ministering to everybody that he could, and they stoned him. Yet even at the very last, he thought not of himself, but of those around him who wanted to kill him, and asked God to forgive them!!! Not to hold them accountable for what they were doing!!!! The real question is, would I care enough for someone who sought my life to ask God to forgive them, and lay not the charge of that sin on them.... I think more often than not we find ourselves much more offended over something much less than what Steven faced. Oh that God would give us the grace to truly have a care for the souls around us!!!!! That we would be willing to go to these ones that we see everyday, and show God's love to them.

Isaiah 6:8 "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."


Ede said...

So is the cup of coffee there to tempt me? If it is, you are doing a great job!

Joe said...

Sorry Ede... I just had to!!!