Sunday, July 15, 2007

What a Weekend!

This one's been a long on, in terms of doing stuff... and a short one in terms of sleep!

Friday after work it began with a Small animal auction. I arrived there at about 9:15 pm, and met up with Ken, Wes, and William. Wes was there trying to sell his bunnies. With work, however, they weren't able to get there very early, and the animals go up for sale in the order that they arrive. Wes's bunnies... Well, they were the last of the auction. It was fun hanging out with everyone, and seeing so "different" animals, and I'll tell you what, one guy had a stack of animals that was just huge, he must have bought close to 200 animals... Maybe he's starting a farm or something... Anyway, we were there till about 1:30 am, and I got home around 2, and went to bed at about 2:30.

The next morning, Saturday, had an early scheduled leave time. We were to leave Mike's house at 6:30 am, so I was able to get about 3 and 1/2 hours of sleep.... I slept a little in the car on the way back, but not much... It was a fun day though, after we got Ken's air tank tested, we went over to the Gwinnett gun show... just thousands of guns, from every time period. The two most interesting, I think, were a WWII BAR, and a WWII Thompson! The Thompson was sold by the second time I went to that table... It had a price tag of $20,000.... The BAR was still there, sitting with a price of $26,500.

Well, I didn't get either of those guns, but I did get a piece of WWII history, a Russian M44 Mosin-Nagant. It's a bolt action rifle, that was pretty inexpensive, mainly just because there are so many of them out there.

I came home Saturday, after being at Mike's sometime around 6:30, I think.... I laid on the couch, and was mostly asleep, when Jesse asked if I wanted a smoothie... I ended up heading out with him and doing that whole thing, but as soon as I got back, I was on my bed, and in about 1/5 of a second, I was asleep... So... I'm feeling pretty good now!! Just preparing to go to church this morning.

Hebrews 10:24, 25 "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

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