Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Up, Up, and Away

Last night there was a slight precursor to today. There had been a cookout planned, as well as a little thing for Ede to take with her this morning... something that she can show to anybody in Taiwan that tries mess with her, and say "Hey, you mess with me, and you mess with all of these people too!!" Here they are.
So... the day has finally come. Not July 4th, but July 3rd. The day Ede fly's to Taiwan.

It started out with a very early morning. The flight was at 9:15, that meant getting to the airport at 7:15, which meant getting to McDonald's by 6:15, which meant leaving by 5:30 - 5:45, which meant getting up at 4:48..... I set 4 alarms before I went to bed last night, I wasn't going to miss this one. As for McDonald's... I wasn't hungry, too early, or just not in the mood or something.

Soon after everyone finished up, to the Atlanta airport it was. My body decided it would act backwards, as did some other people's as well.... Our bodies decided that it was time for a dry mouth and wet eyes... Sure we are sad to see her go, but at the same time we are joyous. Though she will not be with us, we know that she is following God's will in her life, and were she to stay, sure, she would still be here, but out of God's will. So through the tears, we will still praise God for how wonderful He is, and look forward to all that He has planned for Taiwan and for Ede, and for her return in 9 months. =)

Psalm 28:7 "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him."

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