Monday, July 23, 2007

The Post-Weekend Update

This was a busy weekend for sure. Saturday was the day we finally got rid of all the access to our Novell servers where I work... We were there for close to 7 hours setting permissions, and setting up scripts for the newer Windows servers to start taking the load. For the most part this process went off without a hitch. Although we did end up going in for about 10 minutes again Sunday night after church.

I really enjoyed Sunday School this week. The pastor was talking mainly about the name Emmanuel, God with us. He was trying bring out the realization that God is not some distant figure, that is somewhere out there in space...But that He is here with us, amongst us. He is touched with what we are going through. He also brought out how we need to get set in our hearts that we are where God wants us to be, and I quote... "You need to settle in your heart that you're doing what God wants you to do, it may be raising a family or working down at the saw mill, but you need to get it settled." Then another quote, "Have we surrendered all we are, all we have, and all we ever hope to be to God's will?" It's not wrong to have hopes and dreams about what will happen in the future, but we need to have those surrendered to God, and let Him work in our lives how He wants to.

Though it was a rather busy weekend, I did manage to catch a nap Sunday afternoon! It wasn't a very long one, but it was something. It was kinda nice because I'd been feeling kinda tired the past few days, probably because I have a slight cold...It's just hanging around nagging at me right now, especially the stuffy nose... I hate not being able to use my nose!!!

Anyway, Sunday night after we finished with church, and did what we needed to do at work, we headed over to Brewster's! That was something that I had not had in quite a while, and it was great!

Matthew 28:20 "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and , lo, I AM WITH YOU ALWAY, even unto the end of the world."

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