Sunday, August 19, 2007

Weekend Update

Sorry... no pictures for this post... I'm sure I'll post again soon, and with some pictures of what's happening. (which of late, hasn't been a whole lot)

It's been a pretty regular week at work, not much new on that front. This afternoon, we did have the nursing home ministry... at which we sung, and Merrol preached... Now we have to pick out some new songs for the next month so we can keep things mixed up a bit.

For those of you who have been following Ede's blog, and have been thinking, "wow, this hasn't been updated in a while," I'll just give you a quick note about that. This afternoon, U.S. time, her, and the other teachers over there, got on a train for a 6 hour ride to Hualien. This last week of summer camps are also known as service camps, and are shorter days that the regular summer camp. All of the teachers have been split up into 3 teams, and each team is responsible for a separate camp. As of this moment it is unknown if they will have any Internet access in their new location, so we may not even be fortunate to get a blog update this week either! Just continue to pray for all of them over there, shortly after this week they will be moving to their permanent location for the year, and hopefully will have easy Internet access there, for frequent blog updates. =)

So, other than this stuff... not much big news to share... I'm hoping to finish my Automag project this week, so that I will be able to use that gun next Saturday, but we will have to see if there's enough time! Hopefully everything will go smoothly!

John 3:16, 17 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved."

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