Monday, August 13, 2007

Another Weekend Ends...

And a new week begins. This weekend began on Friday night, where we finished watching "Our Mutual Friend." At the end of it, I can now say that it was quite a good movie... There were some really creepy characters in it, and that made it all the more interesting. As the movie went on, it just seemed to keep getting better, and don't worry, I won't spoil the end for all of those who have not seen it yet, just suffice it to say... it was cool!

I got home from that at around 1:30 am or something like that, finally went to sleep around 2 or 2:30... and woke up again around 5:30 not being able to go back to sleep... Thankfully though, I really didn't feel all that tired.

So, around noon, Chad and I headed up to Douglasville to the Arbor Place Mall... We didn't spend a ton of time up there, mainly just hit a few stores, bought a few things, while also picking up some food, and took off... I'm pretty sure we got home around 4:45 that evening. It was really hot out that day, yet I had to change my oil... I waited until about 8:00 that night, yet still it was in the low 90's.

Then along came Sunday, and in the morning I got a call to let me know that we weren't going to head to the church that I thought we were, instead we were going to head to another one... I'm at a loss as to what the name was... I completely forgot... but, although they had some good things there, I doubt they were enough for any of us to want to head back.

Recently, as I have been reading through God's Word, He has been showing me more and more about being in His will... How when we are in His will, He will protect and guide us further in our Christian walk. When we step outside of that which He has for us, we open ourselves up for attack, and are trying to live our own way, which is a lot harder than living God's way! So before any of us try to do anything, such as ministry, or teaching, or whatever, we need to be sure that we are doing it God's way, and not our own. We need to be sure that in our private lives we are glorifying, and honoring, and developing a closer relationship with God before we try to minister or do anything else. If we are not having that close personal relationship with God, then we are not truly offering our best to those around us that God will allow us to minister to.... It's like showing up to a race without shoes! We may be able to run a few steps, but quickly it starts hurting, and becomes difficult, and we just can't run as fast... When we put those running shoes on, they will protect our feet, and allow us to continue running as fast as we can!

Ephesians 6:15-18 "And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;"

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