Friday, August 10, 2007

Our Mutual Friend

The title of the movie we started watching tonight... It was recommended by one of Ede's friends/roommates, Charity. We decided to watch it over the course of 2 nights since it is something like 6 hours long... as it sits, I got home not too long ago, and it's 1:20 am right now!!! So this won't be long...

It looks like all of the parts are 1 and 1/2 hours each... The first part, as Dickens is known for, is a long setup of the story... Much of this part I had very much trouble keeping my eyes open, and even more trouble trying to even care about the seemingly non-existent story line. I guess it wasn't really non-existent... just very much under development. However, almost as soon as the 2nd part started, I got hooked... finally stuff started coming together a bit more... the story started taking off, and becoming interesting... so now all that's left is parts 3 and 4.

Just before we began, Ken and I got something to eat! A bit of spaghetti... this was the 2nd time eating it how I did. A friend once told me basically, and I'm paraphrasing this cause I don't remember it word for word, that noodles were meant to be eaten with chop-sticks! I think after this 2nd time, I'm starting to agree with her, it is easier to eat noodles with chopsticks! Thanks Ede!

Anyway... I need to go to bed!!!! The morning will come quickly I feel! So, hope everyone has and enjoyable day, and restful night!

2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha...i definitely remember watching it for the first time and feeling the same way. it grows on you for sure though. and if you decide to hate the movie that's okay too, but i hope you enjoy it! :)