Monday, August 6, 2007

Another Busy Weekend...

Here it is... Monday again, a week since my last post... I know all of you daily readers are extremely disappointed with me... riiiiight! Here goes anyway, a new post, for your viewing delight!

This Saturday we had the nursing home ministry, in Farburn. It went pretty well... the kids sang Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful, This Little Light of Mine, The B-I-B-L-E, and It is Well. We were also blessed with the opportunity to go over the the Lane's house on Thursday, and sing there as well!

After the nursing home, we made our somewhat regular run to get some pizza at Stevie B's, which is always a welcome dinner! After there we returned to the house, and after a short swim, put on Emma, another one of Jane Austen's books, in the form of movie, we watched the 1995 edition of it. It started out a little slow, but just built every minute from the beginning, turning out to be a very good movie.

Afterwards it was home, I knew Sunday morning was going to come very quickly, church was at 9 a.m. and that was very different. Usually they did their Sunday School afterwards, but they had a ground-breaking ceremony this Sunday, so we ended up heading out after the service. It was really weird to be home at 11 a.m. on a Sunday. Shortly I was to leave again though, and head over to the Christensen's to have a celebration for Ken's birthday... which was celebrated by a wonderful steak dinner. =)

After dinner we proceeded out-of-doors =) to do a little bit of shooting... Our main targets were a new .22 target that Ken picked up, and old hard drives. Mainly we shot at the hard drives with a 30-30 and my new M-44. The goal of this target, was that the data on the disk had to be destroyed, so we did that.

It was unbelievably hot out yesterday, and today as well... along with all the humidity, most of us were just standing out there most of the time, occasionally raising and shooting a gun... yet we were sweating like we had been running a race or something! When we did finally finish, it was most definitely time for the pool! In which, through much spurring on by both Ruby, and William, Mike and I began wrestling, and trying to dunk each other... today, my neck is quite sore, as I believe his is too, since we both stopped because our necks started hurting.

This is a long post =) Anyway, next was cake time! Just before cake though, I was personally attacked!! I couldn't believe it... it came out of nowhere... as soon as the hit came, I was down on the ground... all 4 limbs in the air.. Those who saw the offence were quite amused... and after realizing just what happened... I could not help but laugh as well... now I will reveal to you the offender...

You see!!! This evil green dress!!! It attacked me!! I was walking around the corner, minding my own business, when out of nowhere, this green dress threw itself in my walking path! And with the material it is made of, if just pulled itself out from under my foot as soon, and just as quickly as when it had put itself in front of me! Down I went! It was all so amusing however, I could not help but to burst into laughter.

So... when I woke up this morning... I was pretty tired from the happenings, as well as having a sore neck, and still do! Work has been relatively light today though, so that has been nice... I wouldn't wish the last two weeks upon my mortal enemies (I don't think I actually have any of those... but if I did!!) It was nice to have a "not-so-crazy" day!

Now as I wrap thing up, I have been thinking about holiness, and how we are called out of this world to live a holy life, and don't think I could put it any better than Romans 12:1, 2 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

I know that's it's all my friends and family that read these posts, so I can say for sure, I love you all! and pray for you all daily, and just ask that you would pray for me too! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you too, Joe...our prayers are with you.
Mom and Dad