Sunday, June 17, 2007

24 hours

Well I find myself with a little bit of free time. It's just a little after 11pm here, here being at my brother's house in PA. I arrived this morning at around 8:40. At that time I hadn't quite been up for 24 hours, but I did not go straight to bed when I got here. I got showered up and headed off to the morning service at my brother's church. My plan had been to sleep tonight... unfortunately that didn't work out though. After Church we had some lunch and I was going to go down stairs to grab my swim suit, and instead fell to the bed, and slept for quite a while, and I'm sure I won't have too much trouble sleeping tonight either.

Yesterday was a really fun day though, besides all the driving. We started out by going to the nursing home, which, in my opinion, other then a couple off the wall things, went really really well. Merrol was a little late, so Ede played a little more than usual, and we played an extra song together. We then started singing, and when we were done singing Merrol arrived to take over. Ede and I played another couple songs after that, and then Merrol brought the message.

After the nursing home we all headed over to Chuck E. Cheese's. The pizza was pretty good, and I think everyone had a blast on all of the games. I ended up staying until everyone left, which was at about 7:30, and began my drive to PA. I was kept awake by some great chocolate chip cookies!! =) I stopped a couple times for gas, a couple times for water, and once for breakfast. Then, finally, 13 hours later, I arrived.

So here I am for the week. Thursday will be another busy day for me, and I will be driving another couple hours Wednesday night or early Thursday morning to go up to NY, to prepare for Jon and Heather's wedding. Thank you everybody for your prayers on the grueling trip.=)
OH, and we can't forget, to all fathers out there, especially mine..... HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!

Proverbs 17:6 "Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers."

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