Monday, June 11, 2007

Here We Go Again...

Monday evening... at the end of a day at work. I felt this morning like I never wanted to get up... I just wanted to sleep, and sleep, and sleep... unfortunately I couldn't though. I guess it was from a combination of too many late nights, and being out in the hot sun for such a long time on Saturday, still though, I wouldn't trade it...

Saturday we had the family fun day at Yamaha. I didn't win anything =( but that's OK, I did have a lot of fun. I managed to take quite a few pictures that day of the kids playing games, as well as the BMX show they had setup there. This was a new thing this year, and I must admit, it was pretty cool!

Sunday came along, and with it Sunday school, and morning and evening services. The real excitement was just before leaving for the evening service. I was trying, notice I said trying, to show Ede about cleaning her new Digital Rebel XT, I was not being successful because for some reason the lens cleaning fluid was not coming out of the bottle... So... I squeezed a little harder... and suddenly....POP.... an explosion of fluid all over the place, and worst of all, in my eye!!! OWWWWW.... It wasn't really that dangerous, just water and some detergent were the ingredients... but wow, it stung. I left my contacts out today for the chance to let my eye feel a little better without the extra stress of having a piece of plastic in it, and it's feeling pretty normal now.

So was your weekend as exciting as mine, my Carnival prize winning, BMXing, Ent viewing, eye squirting, bottle exploding, ice cream and brownie eating, weekend?!?! It was GRRRRREAT!!!

The only bad part... I think I was skipped about a gazillion times in Phase 10!!!!!!!!!! LOL That's OK though, I find myself caring less about winning, and more about enjoying the time I can spend with friends. =)

Romans 11:33-36 "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been His counselor? Or who hath first given to Him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Joe,
Thank you for having so much expression in your writing about everyone. I almost feel like I was there watching from the side lines!
Hugs and prayers,
Mike and Ruths's mom/Mary