Monday, March 26, 2007

World's Fastest Half-Mile

We're back from the track! What a day it was! Bristol Motor speedway, the most exciting short-track ever devised! In combination with the "car of tomorrow" debut, the racing was exciting. It was also unimaginably loud! Thankfully we had the in-car radios with sound-deadening earphones. Kyle Busch was eventually pronounced the winner, with Jeff Burton coming in an extremely close 2nd.

We left the hotel for the track at 5:30 am, and arrived at the track around 7, and eventually made our way to sales trailers, and then to the inside of the track. We must have walked miles that morning. We went all the way around the track and then all the way back. This did wonders for the legs today....

The race was everything it was built up to be. Fast, action packed, and crazy all the way around. It was a blast, it's just too bad it couldn't be longer than just one weekend. I'm glad the traffic afterwards didn't last longer than a weekend though, it was quite long enough. It put me behind by at least 2 hours! So, I got home this morning around 2 am, and slept much later than I normally do, it was well worth it though!

Today when I got into work Ken gave me something. It was a membership to Callaway Gardens here in GA. It was so unexpected! I was so surprised, and what a cool thing! I hear that it is a really cool place. Good place for biking, and a beautiful area! Now I'm really looking forward to this spring and summer, we should really be able to have a lot of fun there!

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of light, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, Joe. Great posts. Ten in March and five in February!! Fantastic! Thanks for taking the time to keep us all informed. Awesome photos! Love your galleries and the great success with the new camera! Keep the good stuff coming!