Friday, March 30, 2007

Well it's been several days since I've put anything up, so I thought I'd throw a quick up date on the blog before work. Unfortunately no pictures this time, I guess nothing that exciting has been going on.

The past couple of mornings I have just been preparing to play some songs at the nursing home this weekend. Looks like we'll do 3 of them this time. We're going to have a light crew for it this Sunday as well, most of the kids will probably stay home because of the chickenpox going around. From what Ken said though he has something a little different planned for the nursing home this Sunday, so it still should be good.

Wes has now been away for almost a week, and has only been able to make contact here once, as far as I know anyway. It sounded from like what he said that he was having a good time though, so continue to pray that God would bless the group up there.

I am as of yet undecided as to what my plans are for Saturday. I was thinking about going down to Callaway, but am not really sure yet. I might just wait till there's some people to go with. I guess I'm just much more of a social "animal" than I used to be... Heh. But, who knows, I may still go down there, if there's nothing really going on here.

And that's about all. Like I said, not much exciting happening right now, so not really a whole lot to write about. Maybe something big will happen this weekend, but I dunno, just have to wait and see!

Psalm 42:1 "...As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after the, O God."

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