Thursday, March 22, 2007

All Creation Sings His Praise

Here I go again. It's Thursday night, about 20 minutes until I will leave work. Thought I'd write a quick post, update some info, and all that good stuff.

I woke up this morning to a beautiful day, and decided to go play with my camera for a little while. There are plenty of pictures posted on my photo page, but here's my favorite of the day.

If you can't read what it says on the bottom it says "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork"

What beauty God has created, it's hard to imagine that anyone could believe that this whole world came about by chance. All creation sings His praise!! God's creation alone bares witness to Him.

After reading a little bit about a certain photography course yesterday on I have decided that they are right in their motives. Any photography I do should be to the glory of God. I mean really all I am doing is capturing a single moment in God's great creation, and to me it just screams out "Glory to God in the highest!!!!!"

On another note.... I found out a bit more about Ede's nose today. It turns out that it's not actually the cartilage part of it that is broken, but the actual bone itself. I guess in this case it will require surgery. She has a pre-op appointment tomorrow, and then it's back again on Tuesday for the actual surgery. Pray for her, I'm sure it won't be too much fun. On the good side, at least her chickenpox are mostly gone!!!

Also, this Saturday, I will be driving up to Virginia, and Chris will be driving down there. At the same time, Wesley, will be flying up to Chicago and then be driven up to the upper peninsula of Michigan. He will be attending a "Journey to the Heart." Pray that God would give us all safe trips, and that He would really bless Wes as he is away these 10 days.

Psalm 24:1 "The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."

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