Sunday, March 18, 2007

What a day...

The day started out well. I got up at 5:50, so that I would be on time to cook for the men's breakfast on Saturday morning. We had a good time of sharing and discussion. It wasn't a large crowd that we had there, but still it was a very good time. During my time of cooking I tried to get some sunrise pictures, but it wasn't a really good location, but here is one that I got that was OK.

I also snapped this picture of our American flag as the sun was coming up.
After the breakfast I had to go rotate my tires, they were a little overdue, and I have a slight trip to make next weekend, so I needed to be totally prepared. Ken said that I could do it at his house, so I headed there afterward. I started out with the driver side, but when I finished that some of us guys headed over to pick up some material for the bunny cage that Ken and the boys have been building. The Lord provided the material they needed free of charge from a torn down building. The roof was completed quickly after that.

I was a little worried about today to tell the truth. I knew I would be heading over there to rotate my tires, and with Ede having chickenpox I wasn't sure she would be comfortable with me coming in and being there, but she told one of the kids to tell me I could come in as long as I didn't laugh. =) To this request I readily promised that I would not have laughed either way.

I really felt bad that she had gotten them, I know it wasn't my fault or anything, I just know that she is greatly vexed by them, and just how annoying they can be. But that was just the beginning, I felt even worse by the end of the day. She came out for the first time since Wednesday, and was looking at the bunnies, when the two boys convinced me to play some football. They then got her and Ruby involved as well. Long story made short, after about 3 or 4 plays, Ede and William smacked heads together, leaving William, no doubt, with a knot on his head, and Ede......... With a broken nose.............

I felt soooo bad for her. It was enough just to have the "pox," but then adding that to it.... UGH!!! It was terrible. So she went to the hospital, and they took x-rays, and said it may be broken in more than one place..... UGH Again!!! She will be going back again on Tuesday for the results, and any setting or anything they have to do to it. I guess they have to wait 72 hours before anything can be done to it.

After getting back though, she came again to be in pretty good spirits, and we all watched a DVD on a Christian family where the 4 daughters formed a string quartet, which sounded just great. After that we all had a time of prayer, and the younger kids went to bed. Us older ones stayed up a bit longer, drank some malts...mmmmmm.... and played some Rook!! Nearing the end of the game Ede felt as though she had a fever, and was quite worn out from the events of the day. We finished up, and I headed out. I am extremely thankful for them having me over almost all day long, and feeding me, and just everything!!!!!

Please do pray for Ede though, I'm sure it's discouraging to be dealing with all of the stuff while having such a tight schedule before graduating this year. We know that God will provide, and meet the needs there, but I know she would appreciate much prayer as well.

Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Ede! At first I thought you were kidding about her broken nose. She will be in my prayers.