Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Ho Hum...

What an evening.........

Didn't really get a whole lot of rest last night, busy thinking about.... stuff.... but it's all good! I'm sure it'll be better tonight.

Wes is flying home today, he's getting in around 3:15, and hopefully isn't chickenpox contagious anymore. I'm guessing that he had a really good time up in MI, but I'll probably hear about that later.

I'm definitely looking forward to Thursday this week though. "Why?" You may ask, well, because I have this Friday off because it is Good Friday. I was always told when I was younger, and now heartily agree, the second best part of a 3 day weekend is a 4 day week! Not sure yet just what I'm going to do this weekend, that's extremely up in the air! I'm sure it'll be fun with whatever happens though.

Anyway... I really need to get ready for work, I brought Greg into work today, and haven't had the time to get ready myself yet, so.... that time has come. =)

Philippians 4:19 "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

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