Sunday, March 4, 2007

Saturday's gone....

Saturday was a a very busy day. In the morning I finished the original version of "Pride and Prejudice." I'm not really decided which I like better. I like most of the casting in the latest one, but enjoy the story line of the first. Either way, I enjoyed both very much.

Sometime in the early afternoon we headed out to the nursing home, it's about an hour to get there, and most everybody was reading stuff on the way, so I pretty much just sat an took in the scenery around the highway. =) The nursing home went well though, we sung several songs, and Brother Merril brought a message on Psalm 23.

Following the nursing home we went over to Chucky Cheese's and had a ball. It was a lot of fun to go around to all the games and play with the kids, and they really had a blast. They were all winning all kinds of tickets so they could turn them in for a prize at the end.

So, everyone had a really fun day. Today (Sunday) we have our morning services followed by dinner at the church, then our men's and ladies meetings. After these we will be going to another nursing home, this time a little closer, only about 5 minutes from Ken and Ruth's house. After that, who knows just how much fun we will have....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are having a great weekend. There is joy in serving the Lord!
Isaiah 65:14 "Behold, my servans shall sing for joy of heart,..."