Monday, March 5, 2007


It's been quite a day. I feel already that this could turn out to be a long post... but it will include pictures! I also plan on updating the photo album tonight as well. Pictures of my new Sunday wears will be included too!!

Things went very well pretty much all day long. I woke up early, got to church early. In Sunday school today we learned about Hebrews 10, Doc Lescelius taught us and it was good. After this was our morning worship time, where we started with some singing, and taking care of some business in the church. Brother Joel spoke this morning for the message. He is a missionary in Peru, they also joined our church today! All of the things we had to do today made for a extra long service, we didn't finish until about 1:00, but that was alright, it was a good service. Just after the service one of my friends asked to talk to me, and that quick little conversation, and their great sensitivity meant a lot to me, and encouraged me very much!!!

After the service was dinner at the church, and somehow, as always, I ended up at the end of the line, and usually when you're there, there's really not that much food left, so I gave Mike a call, and we made a quick Taco Bell run. mmmmmm.

Then at 2:00 was supposed to be the men's meeting, although it didn't actually end up starting till 2:30, we were still out before the ladies meeting. =) It gave us just enough time to head over, and get ready for the nursing home.

Ken tried something new today, and it worked out very well. The people in the nursing home are always hearing preaching from every church that comes. So Ken thought we might try a format more like a Sunday school. He was asking questions, and getting their opinions, and they were participating very much. I think it really worked out great, and I think they really enjoyed it.

After the nursing home came dinner and the "Great Spades Game." We were divided up into 4 teams, and 2 teams each played each other, then the winners played the winners, and the losers played the losers. Wow... It was soooo much fun!!!!! I came in second with my partner Ken, we were so close though... But the undisputed winners, and champions of the night were Mike and Mary, but that's alright, I could have come in last and still had fun. I just really enjoy hanging out with all of my friends and the kids, and hopefully they don't get too sick of me!!

In closing, especially remember to pray for Ede. She has been coughing a lot today, so much so that even her sides stared to hurt from it all. It's about the worst that it's been since she caught this bug.

Also, thank you everyone for making today such a great day. Praise the Lord, He is good!!!

Psalm 150:6 "Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD."

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