Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wednesday fun!

Here we go again!!! Today was a department meeting day at Yamaha... and lucky me, I was the note taker for the day... and of course, the meeting went a half hour overtime... blah. It wasn't too bad though, and now I won't have to take notes again for a long, long time!

In case anyone was wondering how my "spades kick" is going, we finally broke out of a slump tonight! We play online on MSN, but I'm really looking forward to this weekend, when we will most likely play either spades or rook all in one place, instead of across the Internet. That way is always more fun, adds to the competitive nature of it all, and you can actually socialize while playing. =)

I also have a couple new things to wear this Sunday, I'm pretty happy about that, it's been a really long time since I've bought any clothes for myself, so, pictures of that stuff will be coming late Sunday or Monday. Remember to pray for us on both Saturday and Sunday as we will be going to two different nursing homes those days. Pray that we would really be able to minister to these people, I know they could really use encouragement.

(so you chose to take the red pill.....) Today I also got a little extra free time, and decided to write some Chinese... LOL. I'm sure that seems rather random, but either way, I did indeed write some. This is my name, Joseph on the top, and Joe on the bottom. (At least this is what my program said it was)

(So here's a sample of my Chinese handwriting)

Also check out the picture page, I added some that Chris sent to me!

I also just finished removing the front door to my house... the door knob broke so that we couldn't get out.... one of my roommates had been working on it for about 10 Min's when I decided to take a look at it, at which point I removed the pins from the hinges, and we were able to pry the door open.... So, the knob is now being replaced, and we will once again have a working door!!!!!!! Yip Yip YAHOO!!!!!!

Psalm 135:3 "Praise the LORD; for the LORD is good: sing praises unto his name; for it is pleasant."

The mind of Christ

To receive when others reject, to treat each one with true respect,
To shield when others throw stones, to be with one who’s all alone,
To think and choose to see the very best,
To live like this is nothing less than to possess

The mind of Christ, my highest goal
The Lords delight, the desire of my soul
The Fathers heart will always guide my life
If I will have in me the mind of Christ

To build up when others tear down, to seek the lost until they’re found,
To give grace where it’s needed most, rejecting pride when others boast,
To sacrifice my all without regret,
To live like this is nothing less than to possess.

The mind of Christ, my highest goal
The Lords delight, the desire of my soul
The Fathers heart will always guide my life
If I will have in me the mind of Christ

1 Cor 2:5 "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:"

Thanks mom for reminding me of it!

Monday, February 26, 2007


Well... I can't speak for everyone else... actually I probably can... We had a blast tonight! There was cake, ice cream, pizza, bean dip... mmmm, great stuff!! We got to hear about many of the stories, and see many of the pictures from Taiwan, but that wasn't the best part of the party... We were all overjoyed to see Ede back, safe and sound... A month can seem like a stinking long time... of course a year isn't any shorter, thank goodness someone created messenger programs!

It really is crazy when you think about it, just 200 years ago no one would have ever thought that we would be able to talk to people, real time, on the other side of the world. Quite honestly I'll probably miss that a little. Getting up in the morning studying God's word, and getting ready for work, never knowing who might "pop" online. In fact I doubt now that I'll see just about anybody on MSN in the morning anymore. That's alright though, I think everyone would agree that's an easy sacrifice for the current alternative. I know, however, I will see some on at night though... I have a serious spades kick going on, and Mike and I get on to play for an hour occasionally, great fun!!

So... Thanks for coming home Ede!! I can once again speak for everyone, we will enjoy the next six months, and be praying for you constantly. I know that God will continue to work in your life to prepare you for the next year! And THANKS for the cool stuff too!!!!

I convinced the world traveler to suffer through a picture with me. I'm holding a pair of authentic chop sticks, with spoon and cloth holding bag... along with a 100% silk, hand made tie. GREAT STUFF!!!!! Thanks again Ede!
Matthew 4:19 "And He saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Monday's here!

Monday has come, and I'm still here! I've finally managed to get my camera working with my computer... for some reason it doesn't seem to like Windows Vista, so I had to boot up with XP this time, but at least I have a working camera.

I arrived at work just a bit ago and actually got a good parking spot, those that know anything about Yamaha, that is a defining accomplishment for any day. So here I sit, writing again... Do we head deeper into the rabbit hole today????

I've been showing off the article about my Aunt Ginnie to just about everybody that I know, and I would post a picture of it, but I'm guessing the magazine has a copyright on it or something.

Thought I'd share my Sunday "job" with everyone, and that will finally be my first picture. *APPLAUSE*
Here's the sound board that I control every Sunday. Looks like fun right? Really it's not too bad, and once everything is setup, doesn't really require that much adjustment. Sometimes it seems like a chore, but it's a ministry that I can actually do there, and I enjoy it for the most part.
As for Today, I came into work early (9:30am) and will be leaving early (6:30 pm) This is because of a party tonight!!!! Party's are great. This one will be at the church tonight at 7:15 where we will be welcoming home Ede after her month spent in Taiwan. It's 10:30, and she's just about in the U.S. again, flying over the great lakes. It should be a great time... and just maybe I'll put up some pictures of it tomorrow!!!
.......Maybe I'll try to eat some cake with chop sticks.......

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Welcome to my mind!!!

You're entering my mind... that could be a scary place!
I'm attempting to start a blog. I thought it looked interesting, and thought that it might help those who may want to keep up with me a little bit more. Either way, this should be an experience.

So, if you dare continue, welcome to the inner workings of my brain!

Pictures will be coming soon, till then, text will have to suffice.

Today has been a regular Saturday, other than starting a new venture in blogging. I did wake up a bit early, but that's alright, it gave me more time to do other things. Last night ended the CI in Hong Kong for this year, now all that's left for all of the teachers is the lengthy trip home, remember to pray for all of them.

Tonight may be a bowling night, at least that's what I'm hoping for. Maybe that will afford my first opportunity to get some pictures up here, and won't that be wonderful?

That's enough of my mind for the first post, check back if you dare explore my inner workings, each post will bring you deeper and deeper into my head!!!!!!! BE YE WARNED