Saturday, February 24, 2007

Welcome to my mind!!!

You're entering my mind... that could be a scary place!
I'm attempting to start a blog. I thought it looked interesting, and thought that it might help those who may want to keep up with me a little bit more. Either way, this should be an experience.

So, if you dare continue, welcome to the inner workings of my brain!

Pictures will be coming soon, till then, text will have to suffice.

Today has been a regular Saturday, other than starting a new venture in blogging. I did wake up a bit early, but that's alright, it gave me more time to do other things. Last night ended the CI in Hong Kong for this year, now all that's left for all of the teachers is the lengthy trip home, remember to pray for all of them.

Tonight may be a bowling night, at least that's what I'm hoping for. Maybe that will afford my first opportunity to get some pictures up here, and won't that be wonderful?

That's enough of my mind for the first post, check back if you dare explore my inner workings, each post will bring you deeper and deeper into my head!!!!!!! BE YE WARNED


Anonymous said...

I consider myself WARNED! Looks like a great blog. Looking forward to future posts and photos!

Anonymous said...

Well, Joe you are brave. I wouldn't want anyone to look into my mind!! he hee. Anyway. Good to see your spot. Will look forward to the pics!! Keep me on your prayer list as well.

Pastor E.

jon said...

welcome to the blog world joe, good to see youve made it. i give you 2 months.:)no,i wont condemn it already just because of my own personal failures at the whole blog thing, anyways, look forward to seeing you in a few months

Anonymous said...

I will get to be in touch with you this way. Miss you a lot. Love Aunt Mary

Anonymous said...

Joe remember:
The mind of Christ, my highest goal
The Lord’s delight, the desire of my soul
The Father’s heart will always guide my life
If I will have in me the mind of Christ
1 Cor. 2:16
"For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ."
Lovest You Sweetie,