Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday's here!

Monday has come, and I'm still here! I've finally managed to get my camera working with my computer... for some reason it doesn't seem to like Windows Vista, so I had to boot up with XP this time, but at least I have a working camera.

I arrived at work just a bit ago and actually got a good parking spot, those that know anything about Yamaha, that is a defining accomplishment for any day. So here I sit, writing again... Do we head deeper into the rabbit hole today????

I've been showing off the article about my Aunt Ginnie to just about everybody that I know, and I would post a picture of it, but I'm guessing the magazine has a copyright on it or something.

Thought I'd share my Sunday "job" with everyone, and that will finally be my first picture. *APPLAUSE*
Here's the sound board that I control every Sunday. Looks like fun right? Really it's not too bad, and once everything is setup, doesn't really require that much adjustment. Sometimes it seems like a chore, but it's a ministry that I can actually do there, and I enjoy it for the most part.
As for Today, I came into work early (9:30am) and will be leaving early (6:30 pm) This is because of a party tonight!!!! Party's are great. This one will be at the church tonight at 7:15 where we will be welcoming home Ede after her month spent in Taiwan. It's 10:30, and she's just about in the U.S. again, flying over the great lakes. It should be a great time... and just maybe I'll put up some pictures of it tomorrow!!!
.......Maybe I'll try to eat some cake with chop sticks.......

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