Thursday, June 12, 2008

Under a rock?

No, I have not been under a rock, but we'll get to that, I just haven't posted in a loooonnnnng time. =) Not much going on recently, except about a month ago I guess it was, some of us went to Six Flags. This was rather enjoyable as I rode many of the roller coasters, and just in general had fun, here are a few pictures from that get-a-way.

So, anyway, now to the "under a rock" part... Unless you have been living under a rock, by now you know that the Detroit Red Wings won the Stanley Cup, debatably the sports worlds hardest trophy to win, with Henrik Zetterberg winning the Conn Smythe trophey, for the playoff MVP. As many of you well know, the Red Wings are my favorite team, so this victory quite excited me! And so without further ado, I present the official Stanley Cup Champion locker room hat...


Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS eyes!! :)

Anonymous said...

DUDE get a haircut LOL