Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Week Gone By...

Well here I am, drawing nigh to the eve of my departure. 1 week I have spent mostly in Pennsylvania, and today a short time in New York. The week began with sledding, then the next day going to 2 great church services, Christmas Eve, Bowling, and just in general fun.

Before Thursday it had been quite a while since I had bowled, but I really had fun, I'm sure partly due to the fact that I did pretty well, but fun nonetheless! Today I met Jon and Heather up in Binghamton... It was a lot of fun to see them both after half a year had past, and the first time I've seen them since their wedding!

We did a bit of shopping... just the window variety for Jon and me. Had an excellent lunch, and drank some wonderful coffee to finish up the day. So now I've arrived back at my brother's house, where children (and adults alike) are playing and having fun. Dinner is on the stove, and the football game is on shortly after. Tomorrow will be one more time heading to church, followed by a most likely early night and a 4:00am departure to catch my plane. So until next time everyone have a wonderful time!

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