Monday, December 24, 2007

Party in the Snow!

Well, I have made it back to the great white north, and when I first got here anyway, it was actually white. A warm day, and lots of rain have taken care of most of that whiteness, but it is once again below 32 degrees, at least at the time I'm writing this, and from what I hear supposed to snow at least a little tomorrow.

Even though I only slept for a very short time on Friday night, I was still ready to go on Saturday. Maybe not as ready as some people may have liked, but I still was able to get up off the couch and have some fun. My dad and I both captured some of this fun, and I figured I would share some of it with everybody... the first time that I have sledded in about 7 years!!! and yes... it was fun! ... so... enjoy... there's more on picasa! The first one is from the plane ride up here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What cute kids!