Tuesday, December 11, 2007

And So This is Christmas....

It's definitely been a while since I posted something, and I'm not sure how long this one is going to turn out. For those of you who have visited my picture page in the past week or so, have seen that for the first time since I have lived in Georgia, I actually decorated.

I must say it was rather fun to do that this year... It's been so long since I have, the only time I can remember decorating recently was a couple years ago, helping my brother put up the lights on his house, the freezing cold day after Thanksgiving. I didn't mind the freezing so much, I was glad to grin and bear it!

So, though I decorated this year, it comes as a bitter sweet feeling... this is the first time that I've actually decorated for Christmas without my family... I know there are thousands of people that do this every year... but still, it's kinda sad! At the same time, it was rather fun, rigging up the lights (as the song goes) putting up a Christmas tree, and even getting a star, very similar to the one I grew up with, to put on the top.

I can't say it wasn't without challenges though... the biggest and most annoying one... for some reason, in my 25 years on this earth, no one has ever told me that most of the time, Christmas ornaments are sold separately from the hooks.... Should I have just "understood" this silly fact... I don't think so, because in my opinion, why in the world would I want ornaments, without hooks. And I don't want to hear about tying bows, and string around the things... NO! Ornaments should come with hooks!!! And if you want to do something else with them, then so be it! But I want my hooks!!!!!

Anyway enough on my hook spat =) On Thursday night of last week, I knew by Friday morning that I would lose my voice... which I did, but I decided that I would try out something a friend told me about. I had never really considered wrapping all that enjoyable, just something that had to get done.... well this time, on Thursday night, without a voice, I turned on all of my Christmas lights, lit 4 candles, started playing Christmas music, and sat down with some gifts, tape, and wrapping paper, and wrapped the gifts! It actually was fun, sitting there, enjoying the "Christmas" atmosphere, thinking about friends and family... and very soon after (I took NyQuil before I began) bed!

So, until next time, have a fun winter, and enjoy the Christmas season!!


Anonymous said...

This post made me cry...I love you and miss you so much. December 22nd is coming soon and I can hardly wait!!

Ken said...

The hook rant and discovery was quite funny. Maybe you should contact weird al with a new song suggestion.