Monday, November 19, 2007

A Success...

Recently at Yamaha we had a food drive to try to help to restock the food pantry in the local area... as the title denotes... it was a success. The employees there donated a total of about 13,000 pounds of food!!! What an opportunity to help out the county.

It may not always seem like a big thing, and one may feel like they only have a small part... but it is a part none the less. God gives opportunity, and even when it seems like your own part may seem insignificant when put up against the whole, it is not. When God gives opportunity to do something, whether it is big or small, if we do it with all our heart, to minister to people, and to glorify God, we are doing exactly what He wants us to do!

As a side note... we did have a little extra motivation in our group. There was a small contest among the office workers, it was done by department. To make it fair it was judged by the number of items given per person in the department. IT... where I work... got 50 items per person... and WON!! Ken had the good idea, that he remembered from back in high school, of collecting money from everybody in the department, then going shopping. We did that on Thursday, then we waited till that night, and brought everything in! As a prize for this, we will get a private luncheon, and get the privilege of dressing up our boss for one day... which should be pretty amusing.

So anyway... it's Thanksgiving week... it's especially a week where we should all be thankful for the many blessings that God has given us. Really we should be thankful all the time, but in this time, when we especially set aside a day just for it, we should really be remembering just how good God is!!!

So... with that said... I'll leave you with a couple pictures and say HAPPY THANKSGIVING, I'm thankful so much for all my friends and family... God put you all in my life for a reason, and I can't help but being thankful for it!!!! No matter what wealth we have, no matter how "successful" the world considers us, if we have Christ, we have all sufficiency in Him!!

Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy one
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
And now let the weak say "I am strong"
Let the poor say "I am rich"
Because of what the Lord has done for us
Give thanks!

(all the pictures I put up here, plus more can be found in the "Joe's Photos" link to the right.)

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