Monday, November 5, 2007

A Prayer for Godliness! and a picture =)

Oh that God would give us the strength to stand in the face of adversity, to flee from temptation, and to live a Godly life! That when the world comes to pound down our door, trying to bring us down to their ungodly standards, that we would beat it back with the power of God's Word, and be an example in the face of hypocrisy! That when everyone around us is giving in, that we would be a bright light for God that cannot be ignored, but that we would stand out, and not just be another Christian trying to fit in with a dark world... Oh that God would prepare us to serve with all of our heart in His harvest.

How easy it can be sometimes to give way to Satan. He has a way of making the bad things look like "gray" areas, and the "gray" areas look good. He has the way of twisting our thoughts from thinking, that's not good, to that's not sooo bad, to, that's no big deal. Beware of this falsehood!!!! I believe it is something very prevalent in the "Christian" life today. God calls us to be different from the world, to stand out, a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid! Once God establishes His standard within us, we can never look back, when we do, it is sin... and it destroys our fellowship with our Lord and Savior.

I will share an example from my life with you... music is one area that God has given me strong conviction. Some have this conviction, some do not. For me, many times it can be a struggle. A lot of people around me like certain kinds of music, kinds that I once found very enjoyable. Eventually God established a standard regarding music in my life, and from that time I have realized for me to turn on that kind of music again is wrong... I'd like to say that it's easy for me now, and that I've won every victory, and that I have no desire for it anymore... but I can't...

Certain circumstances tend to bring it out, and Satan knows just what these are. Recently I have had a very hard struggle with the desire to listen to it again, but I know, once I start again, it's going to become easier and easier every time I flip it on. It will be like I mentioned it before... this isn't good, I should turn it off....... Well... it's not that bad..... to, oh, it's no big deal.... and Satan will have won.

It probably wouldn't be as big a deal if God had never given me this conviction, but now that He has, I don't want to go back on it... I want my ways to be pleasing to the Lord, at all cost... even if it means my friends thinking I'm weird... because the moment I go back on it, I've lost something that God has given me, and I want every bit of what God has for me!!!!!!!! Nothing in the world is worth sacrificing God's best! I know too that when I stand for what I know is right, and do what God has convicted me to do in every area of my life, that I will stand out, and that really, it actually has nothing to do with me, just God shining through me, and I don't want to do anything that would hinder, darken, or obstruct God's glory shining forth!

So please... pray with me, pray for me, pray for our country, for our families, for our siblings, for our children. Let this world be so awed by God's light shining through us that they can no longer deny the all powerful, amazing, and wonderful God, that we have the privilege of calling our heavenly father! And at the last I beg you, and beg God that he would help you and me, to never, never, turn back to the things we once enjoyed in the world, but that we would always be looking for fulfillment and joy in the righteousness of our Savior Jesus Christ!

Luke 9:62 "And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

John 4:35 "...Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow joe, that was really encouraging and convicting. praise God for the things he is showing you.