Saturday, October 27, 2007

Another Weekend Half Over

I woke up quite early this morning... around 4 a.m. for some reason. I, of course, couldn't go back to sleep, so I've been up for quite a while now... but I thought I'd use the time at the end of the World Series game to write a quick post.

Most of the day was spent over at the Caswell's, where we did a little bit of clean up work; burning leaves, cutting up some wood and stuff like that. We closed out dinner by going outside and roasting some marshmallows.

We went back in, and eventually turned on the movie "Luther," but we did not have time to finish it. Then home I came, and here I am, writing to all my adoring fans... HAHA RIIIIIIIIIGHT..... well writing to anyone that will read I guess would be more accurate =)

In case anyone wants to see the most amazing cakes ever made, my aunt informed me that she has posted them on her picture page. All of these cakes are made by my awesome sister-in-law, and the one that looks like a pirate ship... that's the one she made for my birthday... it ROCKED!!! Kim's Cakes

Galatians 6:10 "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."

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