Sunday, October 14, 2007

Full Saturdays

Well... It has finally started getting cooler here. It's been in the 50's in the mornings, and usually hovering in the high 60's or low 70's throughout the day. This is a change I welcome with open arms.
Yesterday, however, it did mean starting out in long sleeves, which was OK. I started my morning with something that has become a habit over this past week while both the Caswell and Christensen families have been gone. I took care of feeding all the animals, and stuff like that, then continued the morning with a walk through the woods out back. I stick to the one main trail, since there are less spider webs, and use this time to pray and read God's Word... It has quickly become one of my favorite times of day!

After that, I decided that it has been quite a while since I put up any pictures of myself, so I went to a few different areas in the woods, just snapping a few of myself. Later on I just started fooling around, being stupid, and having some fun... Which seems to a necessity of every guy now and then, unless he's a stick in the mud! =) (I'll put these up in the photo album)

Monday will be two weeks ago, Mike called me up and wanted to have lunch with me, talk about some things, and good stuff like that. One thing he told me while we were talking, was a good way to take my mind off of things, and pretty much be productive at the same time, was to take the time to help somebody. Well, I don't know if he was speaking in general or for me specifically cause that's one of the things I enjoy most... Just helping out. I think at the time, though, he didn't realize that, whether or not he wanted to be, he is the recipient of some of this help.

You see, they are away, winter is coming up, thus heat will have to be produced. So, I went out front found a huge stack of wood, and began swinging away. He will probably say "Hey! I wanted to chop some!" but there will be plenty more wood needed for the winter!

Eventually it started warming up... so I had to get a cooler shirt on. After splitting for a while longer, I went back out to the woods and took a few more pictures, then headed back to my house to see what the guys were up to, and mainly if they had eaten yet. Great wonder of wonders.. They hadn't!!! So the three of us went down to Olive Garden, none of us had gone there in quite a while. I myself, got the fettuccini alfredo, bread sticks, and salad. It was great!!

Though Jesse and I were both STUFFED after we ate, we both went back over to Mike's house and split some more! We stopped for a minute to get a drink of water, and that seemed to put us both over the edge, to the point that our stomachs just hurt. So we called it quits and decided to get dinner ready!!!

Don't worry, we didn't actually kill the chicken... that would have been too much work anyway. We were just 2 guys, being stupid... again. =) But hey, we have an excuse, where 2 or more guys there are, hilarious stupidity is sure to arise, at least at the time what they deem to be hilarious, if they contain some semblance or normalcy anyway. =)

So, after taking the time to carefully stack the wood, we called it a day. We returned home, where we thought we'd engage in another manly distraction... We popped in NHL '08 and played a video game! We won too! After that, I determined it was a long day, layed down on the couch, watched a bit of the Charlotte race, and fell asleep. Hard work makes for a good night sleep.

So thanks, Mike, for the advice of helping out, even when it ends up in two guys chasing around a chicken, it can take one's mind off of things for a while, just long enough to have some humorous fun!!

Psalm 28:7 "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise Him."

Now, as for those of you who are wondering what the life of a log is, here goes:
The Log

The Log after 1 swing

The log after 4 more swings.

So there you have it... the only thing not pictured... stacking and burnning.
So... Until next time... uhhh... I dunno... ummm...until next time... I... won't update =) but then... I... will.....


Anonymous said...

I "watch the weather channel"!
Thats so great!

Joe said...

Thanks for the comment from all the way on the other side of the world!!!

Glad you're "watching!" =)

Joanne said...

The pictures are beautiful joe. I am glad the walks in the forest help. Keep taking beautiful photos, I use them for my desktop often. Love and miss you.

Joe said...

Thanks Aunt Jo, Love and miss you too!