Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Sometimes photography can be so diverting..... Other times, not... In either case, here's a few recent Pics from Sunday, about a week and a half ago..... Tried a new imaging technique on a few, but only liked how 2 of them looked.... So for your viewing pleasure, here they are, 1 HDRI, and the rest, regular......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You woke again this morning
With that burden on your heart.
Though you haven't told the Father,
He sees every secret part.
Every worry, every care He knows.
Before you even whisper a prayer,
Before you whisper a prayer,
He's already there...already there.
When troubles become too much to bear,
He's already there.
He's waiting with arms open wide,
And grace enough to share.
For all your tomorrows...
He's already there.

He said He'd be a haven
When this life seems unsure.
So rest in simply knowing
His faithfulness endures.
When this world just isn't fair,
He knows.
Before you even whisper a prayer,
Before you whisper a prayer,
He's already there...
already there.
When troubles become too much to bear,
He's already there.
He's waiting with arms open wide,
and grace enough to share.
For all your tomorrows...
He's already there.

Take it to the Lord in prayer.