Friday, May 11, 2007

Wow... It's been a while.

Has it ever been a long time since I've put anything up here. I guess it's just been really really busy, I've just been doing other things. Now, however, I have a little bit of time, and thought it a good time for posting.=)

So... Here goes... The last time I wrote was on Wednesday, April 25, and in the post I left off by saying that I would have plans on the following Saturday as long as nothing better came up. The truth is, that nothing better could have come up, I was set to do what I was going to do on Saturday, and there wasn't much hope of changing it.

That Saturday I woke up at about 4:30 and started getting ready for the day. By about 5:30 I was ready to leave, and took off. I drove north for about 2 and a half hours, up to the "Helen" area of Georgia. You see, my whole purpose for this day was to get the "Perfect Picture." I had several stops that I planned on making, but had been hearing on the weather the past few days, that it was supposed to be mostly cloudy all day. As I drove up there, however, I saw that in fact it was not mostly cloudy, but almost the exact opposite, I couldn't see but 1 cloud in the sky. When that hit me I could do nothing but praise God. He had started my day out amazingly, He gave me a perfect day, in which to try to find the perfect picture.

Finally I reached my destination area. I drove around in the mountains a bit when i first got up there, although I didn't exactly make it in the 2 and a half hours I was expecting to, but that was my fault... I stopped for breakfast.=) So all that considered, I pulled into the park area for Anna Ruby Falls at about 9:00.

It wasn't too bad of a hike to the falls area, with a paved pathway, only about a mile long. It was a very beautiful area, as the path followed the stream the whole way to the falls. The whole way I was taking pictures, tons and tons of pictures.

I was done at Anna Ruby Falls by about 11:00 or 11:30. From there it was a short drive over to the Raven Cliffs Falls trail. This was a much more rugged trail, and was somewhere between 3 and 3.5 miles long. There were make-shift bridges, trees fallen across the path, rocky inclines, and all sorts of stuff. Were I not on a mission for the "Perfect Picture" I probably would have taken a little bit more time on this trail, but as it stood, I was on a mission. I took even more pictures on this trail than I did at Anna Ruby, but as I was walking I realized all the beauty surrounding me, and just again praise God for this day that He had given, and He just brought to my mind all the ways He has blessed me. Now I was surrounded by some of the most beautiful parts of His creation.

So on this trail I walked at a brisk pace, stopping every few minutes to climb down embankments, or hop over some stones to get to the other side of the river, so I could get some good pictures. I also ended up taking pictures of other groups that were up there. They would see me taking pictures, then ask if I could take their camera and get pictures of them, I was more than happy to oblige. As I felt I was getting near to the end of the trail, or at least what I thought would be near the end of the trail, I started realizing that I should have worn 2 or 3 pairs of socks, as my feet started telling me to stop. I however did not listen, and pushed on.=)

Soon I did in fact come to the end, where I climbed quite a steep, rocky, hill up to the falls. It was kind of interesting, it was like two rock faces next to each other, with a split in them, and from both sides, in poured the water. It was pretty cool, definitely different than any falls I had seen before. Shortly I climbed back down, set my camera up, and got a quick picture of myself. After that I packed everything away, and started back at a very quick pace.

As I said, the way back was walked very quickly, and not only my feet but my legs many times were saying "STOP!" Still, I didn't listen. At my feverish pace, I made it back to the beginning of the trail in about 45 to 50 minutes, and went over and just sat in my car for a minute. Then I took off my shoes, to which I think my feet will be eternally grateful, and slipped on my sandals. By this time it was getting close to 3:30, and I once again took off, only the drive home remaining for this part of the day. I did however make a quick stop as Sonic...mmmmmmm.... after breakfast being so long ago, that was just wonderful.

I finally made it home between 6:30 and 7:00 and was glad to rest just a bit. I thought about taking a nap, but instead ended up looking through the pictures to try to pick out "The One." My first pass through I narrowed it to 78... lol... I decided that was enough for that day, and just rested a bit.

You may now think that that was a long day, and it would be a good time to go to bed and get some rest. But that wasn't it... I had plans for that night! At about 9:30 I reached the Christensen house, where we watched the Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. We had popcorn... I don't think I had ever been happier to have popcorn... it was very strange, even as I drove over there I hoped popcorn would be involved, and it made me uncommonly happy. We had a fun time though, and a late night.

Sunday was busy as well. Starting out early with Sunday School, I must say, I was a might bit tired. =) Our evening service was canceled that night, and we had our men's and ladies meetings. After the meetings I once again went back the the Christensen's house, at which time Ken, Ede, and I headed over to Callaway gardens to take Ede's senior pictures. It was fun to go out there and walk around a bit, we got some good pictures as well. When we tried to print them Wal-Mart did not want to give them to us, even though I was the photographer. I even filled out one of their copyright release forms, and they still gave us a hard time, saying that we could have gotten anybody off the street to sign it, and that we couldn't prove that I took them... There's some real good customer service for you... HA... Eventually they gave us the wallet sized pictures.

Later that week I tried to print out 5 8x10's one for each of the chosen pictures. I went to pick them up, and was told they would not sell them to me no matter what, they were professional and they will not give them to me, so I went back the next day to see the manager. I brought my camera, with the pictures still on it, as well as my portfolio in, and still, even though I filled out the copyright release form, they would not give them to me, saying that I couldn't prove they were mine. So later on I called the photo center customer service line. Finally someone that would help me. They apologized for how badly I was treated, and told me that it would be delt with, and that I would hear back shortly from them. Well I did hear back on Saturday. I got a message on my voice mail, saying that once I fill out a copyright release form I would be able to get my pictures... HELLO!!! Anybody home!!!! I already filled one out..... I still couldn't get my pictures... So a lot of help they ended up being. So right now, to me, the Newnan GA Wal-Mart... is just a huge pain in the rump, I'm going to try my luck today at the Wal-Mart in Peachtree City, and hope I get some people that actually have a brain.

So... Anyway, to get off of that... This past weekend was Ede's Graduation! Way to go Ede! She graduated with about 35 other home school students, and the main speaker was a supreme court justice here in Georgia. It was a good ceremony, and afterwards I took her picture with Ken Ham. We looked around the book sale a bit afterwards, then headed back the Newnan to eat at the Chin Chin Chinese restaurant. That was where all the hard work from Saturday was revealed. The picture that I so needed to be perfect, was part of my graduation gift. That picture I will not be posting, as it is reserved for that gift.

That evening we had a fun time of dessert, and playing cards. It was another late night, but still it was a blast!!

I think that pretty much catches up everything... I've yet to make plans for this weekend, so who knows what I'll be up to, I guess there's no telling......

Philippians 2:1, 2 "If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. "

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