Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It's Been a While

But here I am again, with a new post!

I had a very busy weekend this past Saturday and Sunday. Saturday started out with a men's breakfast at the church, where we had a larger than normal group. It was nice to see a little more interest than usual. The meeting ended up going about 20 minutes longer than we had planned, but that was OK, it was a very good time of learning in God's word.

Next that day we had the nursing home ministry. We went up toward Atlanta, which for this nursing home is about an hour trip. When we got there there was a singing group just finishing up, and then we took over. We had a good time of singing, playing, and worshiping.

This was followed by dinner over at the Caswell's house. It was a lot of fun. We cooked hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire. Afterward some of us went back to ride the horses. It started out fun, the horses were a little stubborn, but nothing that we couldn't deal with. Wes and I rode them first, and Ede was going to grab the next ride, but the second time around the back came with issues that would prevent us from riding them anymore that night.

As we went back toward the woods from the back pasture, the horse Wes was on, took off running. He ran all the way through the woods, collecting branches and vines all over Wes. When he finally stopped, Wes was able to get off, and had lost a lot of skin from his left hand. on Monday he would end up going to the Dr. and finding out that it had gotten infected. He will be OK though, it's well on it's way to healing.

On Sunday we had our normal morning service, after which we went to a thing called "Sermon on the Mount." It is an analogy between training a horse and the Christian life. It's actually incredible with how well it is done. It was a ton of fun, but it was also long. I think we were there for about 4 hours!!!

Later that evening I went over to the Christensen's house, where we had some dessert. Home made brownies!!!!!! and ice cream!! Good stuff!!! No one will ever hear me complain about that =) We played a couple rounds of hearts, but it was kinda late so we called it a night. Everyone had school and work the next day, so we couldn't stay up too late... still it definitely was fun!

Now... it's mid-week again, and unless something better comes up, I will have something to do on the weekend, mainly involving taking pictures, which, when I get them, I will post them. So until next time, have fun!.

Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

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