Monday, April 16, 2007

Back from Indy

Well... Mike and I made it back from Indianapolis last night around 10:30. We were a little tired from the trip, but not too bad.

I can't even begin to describe how well the conference went these past few days. It was an amazing time to spend with the other men, and with the Lord. The singing was absolutely incredible, every song. It makes me wonder how often do we truly sing to the glory to God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength???

We also came back with about 8 books that were just given to us... free of charge, praise God! So we came back with a lot of reading material.

One of the best messages there, I have to say, was called "How Close Can We Get?" The speaker was talking about the Christian walk, and how most people's actions speak out saying "How close can we get to the edge and still be saved." When shouldn't the real question be "How close can we get to God." We should have such a love for God, that we say, "I don't even want to be anywhere near the edge, I want to love God with all that I have, so how close can I be to Him."

We also did a lot of talking about meditating in the night seasons. Using our time as we prepare for bed, and rest, to worship God, and to meditate on God's word. How can we "entertain" God tonight? What scripture can we memorize, and repeat back to Him? What new insights can He give us as we lay down on our altar that we've dedicated to Him?

In either case... I would appreciate your continued prayers. There's so much more I feel I could be doing to love God more, pray that He would help me do that, because without Him, I can't even really love at all.

One final comment about the conference... One comment that was made.... Success is not just what we are (money, friends, things) Success is what we are compared to what we could be. What more could we be doing for God that we are not?????

Matthew 22:37-38 "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all they mind. This is the first and great commandment."

John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great post Joe. It really makes me reflect on some tough questions. I can tell by this post and our telephone conversations that you are growing in the Lord. Praise His Name! Pastor Ellis has been challenging us with some great messages. In Sunday School, we were talking about backsliding and how the Lord never leaves us or forsakes us; it is us that leave Him. Pastor is preaching on the book of Deuteronomy on Sunday evenings, and he talked about how God's chosen people wandered around for so long in a relatively small area. But God wanted them, (and us), to follow him commands!! What a loving, patient heavenly Father we have!!
Love You,