Monday, March 12, 2007


Wow... What a whirlwind of a weekend... it started and just did not stop!!! I apologize for not posting Saturday with pictures as I had stated, but time and I aren't the best of friends... and when us two are involved "definite" is a very relative term. Still, here I am, at it again, and this time actually having some new pic's!
The busy weekend started Friday at about 6:30pm. This is when I went to UPS to pick up my new item!!! =) For those who may not know yet, I got a new camera. It is a Canon Digital Rebel XT. Since getting it the shutter has not stopped moving, and there wasn't a better weekend for it.
Friday continued with another game of cards, Hearts was the game this time. With so many people, there was a lot of luck involved, but still I WON!!!! I only took 9. I don't care what Mike says, it was pure talent! =)

Next came Saturday, which began with a nice breakfast at good ol' McDonald's, good stuff. Mike and I then continued feverishly preparing for the paintball festivities scheduled for the afternoon. A quick stop at my house, on the way to get air for the guns, revealed to me that my new CF card for my camera had also come that very morning. (PICTURES GALORE) I guess we had about 10 people playing paintball that day, and we all had a great time.
Here's one of the group: Ede (kind enough to film us all) Wes, Chad, William, Ferrol, Ken, Oluf, Merrol, Me(Joe), Mike, and Greg.

After Paintball ended it was time to eat cake. You see, this was Mike's birthday party, a month late. If you knew the circumstances, you will know why it was a month late... very good cause!

Then came Sunday. We had a Gideon presentation that took a while, then, when he was done, Ede presented a little bit on the CI trip. She talked about the 4 CI's and then had a slide presentation. She may have been a little nervous, but it didn't show, and she did a great job.

After the service I was invited to head over to their house for lunch, to which there was no way I was going to decline!! I had a really good time. After lunch we went over to one of the parking lots in Newnan, where we tried to sell some of Wesley's bunnies. While most of us did this, Ruth and Ede went to look for Easter shirts.
Soon after we headed back to the house, where it was time to play with the new "Big Red Bat, and ball." Now that was just a great time, having fun with all the kids, who were all having a blast!

And this just brings us to today, where I sit at my computer writing up the next post. I can only look back at the weekend and say praise God for the good time he allowed us all to have, and praise him for the friends and family he gives us to have fun with!!!!

Colossians 3:16 Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

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