Monday, February 26, 2007


Well... I can't speak for everyone else... actually I probably can... We had a blast tonight! There was cake, ice cream, pizza, bean dip... mmmm, great stuff!! We got to hear about many of the stories, and see many of the pictures from Taiwan, but that wasn't the best part of the party... We were all overjoyed to see Ede back, safe and sound... A month can seem like a stinking long time... of course a year isn't any shorter, thank goodness someone created messenger programs!

It really is crazy when you think about it, just 200 years ago no one would have ever thought that we would be able to talk to people, real time, on the other side of the world. Quite honestly I'll probably miss that a little. Getting up in the morning studying God's word, and getting ready for work, never knowing who might "pop" online. In fact I doubt now that I'll see just about anybody on MSN in the morning anymore. That's alright though, I think everyone would agree that's an easy sacrifice for the current alternative. I know, however, I will see some on at night though... I have a serious spades kick going on, and Mike and I get on to play for an hour occasionally, great fun!!

So... Thanks for coming home Ede!! I can once again speak for everyone, we will enjoy the next six months, and be praying for you constantly. I know that God will continue to work in your life to prepare you for the next year! And THANKS for the cool stuff too!!!!

I convinced the world traveler to suffer through a picture with me. I'm holding a pair of authentic chop sticks, with spoon and cloth holding bag... along with a 100% silk, hand made tie. GREAT STUFF!!!!! Thanks again Ede!
Matthew 4:19 "And He saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."


Anonymous said...

Great post! Loved the picture galleries!! Looked like a fun party to welcome Ede home. Will continue to pray for the work in Taiwan. (I hope Mike had an air compressor to blow up all those balloons! HaHa!)
Whole bunches of love,

Anonymous said...

Man I should have taken the blue pill!! For a start.