Thursday, October 8, 2009

Windows 7

Windows 7 Launch party, my house, October 23rd... Wanna come, just let me know :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Weekend

Well, it's a few days after, but I finally pulled some of the pictures off of my camera from this weekend. It was a packed weekend to say the least. We started out fairly early in the morning (by we I mean Chad, Jesse, Ruth, and I) with a shopping trip to Kroger. Now I know that sounds all fun and exciting, but the reason we did this, was because we had plans! Plans to visit Stone Mountain, climb it, and eat on it. =) All of which, by about mid-afternoon, we had accomplished.

It was a rather warm day, and as we were climbing a big rock, there wasn't a whole lot of shade to be offered, so by the top we were all ready for a nice little break. Then on the way down we stopped in a pavilion and spread out our lunch, which, by the way, was quite good. Just sandwiches, but I think because we were all so ready for lunch, it tasted really REALLY good!

Also on this day, as we have for several Saturdays in the past, we went up north of Atlanta and hit the ice. Not literally, but we did get our skates on, and were on the ice for a sum of about 2 hours. I think just about everyone knows by now, that in the fall I plan to join a hockey league, so this is all just good skating practice until that point. Jesse and Ruth still have all the pictures from that part of our day, so once I get my hands on those I will post some of them too... but until then... here are some from Stone Mountain.

Anyway, thanks to good friends for a good weekend. We may constantly pick on each other =) but I know I have some awesome friends, and they'd stand with me no matter what... Thanks guys!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Just where and what...

In the shadows of tall buildings
Of open arches endlessly kneeling
Sonic landscapes echoing vistas
Someone is listening from a safe distance
The line moves slowly into a fading light
A final moment in the dead of the night

In the cathedrals of New York and Rome
There is a feeling that you should just go home
And spend a lifetime finding out just where that is

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Just a quick post with some pictures, and quick thoughts...

First the pictures... Jesse and Ruth were kind enough to take me up to Douglasville on Saturday while I was having my bike worked on, and then on the ride home they snapped a few pic's from the truck. (as you can undoubtedly tell from the top of the page)

Then I was doing a little bit of reading this morning, from one of the most interesting news sites around, and they had this on their page as a headline.

"Lawyers think juries watch too much TV and suffer from the "CSI Effect," which means they only believe iron-clad scientific evidence and detectives who put on their sunglasses and spout corny one-liners during testimony"

The link on that page leads to this story

I found it rather amusing, especially the first five paragraphs, due to the fact that I've seen the show myself, and have always found it comical to watch for some of the very reasons this article is pointing out. The article shows the thought process consuming our nation, and the world today... Their reality is based on Television! Amusing, but scary at the same time... How has it come to the point where people can actually believe that almost any of the TV shows on air are even anywhere close to reality!??? It absolutely astounds me... I can understand watching a TV show for entertainment purposes, but actually taking it seriously, that just gets to the point of ridiculousness...

Now I'm not going to come out and be one of those people that is going to say our TV shows need to have more reality in them, I mean come on, I'm a fan of both "Heroes" and "Lost" which have very little reality involved in either of them, and I am very entertained with them... But that's all I'll ever be, entertained. Will I ever base any of my decisions on them? Of course not! That would just be nuts... and yet here we are, coming to the point that our justice system is being affected by people watching TV... I hope I never have to go to court because someone did something to me, and the jury has a bunch of CSI Believers in it... as the article describes, eye witness would be almost totally discounted as not reliable, and unless the ridiculous amount of impossible, and impeccable evidence to gather has been unequivocally found, I will have no chance at all... unless of course I get an old man on my side, sliding his sunglasses on and off and saying, with infinite, and undeniable arrogance, that what I say happened, did in fact happen... =)

Several studies have been done into the "CSI effect," and some yield more results than others, but it would be naive to say that it's not happening with more and more frequency involving jurors, criminals, and forensic academia... it's just obvious. Anyway, enough of my ranting. LOL. Like I said, this article just struck a chord with me, as I watched some of the episodes not too long ago, and had these exact thoughts about it back then, only to have this article displayed today.

SO.... Really looking forward to July 4th, Love you all! and until I see you again, have fun!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Under a rock?

No, I have not been under a rock, but we'll get to that, I just haven't posted in a loooonnnnng time. =) Not much going on recently, except about a month ago I guess it was, some of us went to Six Flags. This was rather enjoyable as I rode many of the roller coasters, and just in general had fun, here are a few pictures from that get-a-way.

So, anyway, now to the "under a rock" part... Unless you have been living under a rock, by now you know that the Detroit Red Wings won the Stanley Cup, debatably the sports worlds hardest trophy to win, with Henrik Zetterberg winning the Conn Smythe trophey, for the playoff MVP. As many of you well know, the Red Wings are my favorite team, so this victory quite excited me! And so without further ado, I present the official Stanley Cup Champion locker room hat...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Comfort Food

There's not many things quite like a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich... it doesn't matter whether you like it on toast, with crunchy peanut butter, or with whatever kind of jelly. During many of our childhood years this was always a favorite, and now stands as a nostalgic symbol of when times were more simple!
Recently there hasn't been much going on... I've put somewhere around 1300 miles on my bike, and I'm still alive... so that's a plus. =) Ken has recently changed his work schedule because of his recent promotion, so now I'm the only one left on PC/Network support for second shift... Fun fun...

The only other thing recently was a blog post I read a couple days ago... It is a blog by someone I've never actually met, I've heard of them, read their blog and know a little about them, but I don't actually know them. (I left an anonymous comment, but later e-mailed so they would know who I was=) The cool thing about it was that their latest post made me think. It put a belief I had to a challenge... not because it was disagreeing with what I believe, but simply asked a question about this thing, and put a desire in me to want to research and backup why I believe what I believe. This was the first time in a long time that I've had any need to do this, but it did get me thinking, how easy is it to just become "ho hum" about the things we believe... Just because we believe something for 20 or even 50 years doesn't make it true, and there may be times when we will be called to show why we believe what we believe, and this was a fun opportunity for me to do this... So I encourage everyone (including myself) to be continually searching out why we believe what we do, not to just take someones word for it, but to study and show ourselves approved workmen.

Acts 17:11b "...they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."

Mark 10:13-15 "And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein."