Tuesday, September 18, 2007


First, thanks to all of you who commented, I was very encouraged, not only by what everybody said, but because of the number of responses I got. I'm praying for all of you guys!

Now, what's been going on... Just got done with a busy week... and yet another busy day today. I've also joined facebook just recently, and met quite a few of my friends on there. (Thanks for making me join Jon!)

So the main story for this week.... Work on a laptop... and this wasn't just any laptop... it was the laptop owned by the president where I work. So anyway, this laptop was running Windows Vista, which hasn't been around that long, so I've not had a ton of experience with it yet. It experienced a problem that I had never seen before... and everything was in Japanese!!!

Eventually after going through a ton of screens, the problem was resolved! I brought the laptop back to the president... and he was happy!! So... good stuff!!

I've been trying to think recently of some places to go to get some new, and good photos... I, as of yet, haven't managed to think of that place, but there are a few in the back of my mind.

I guess this Saturday it has been decided that we will be have a party of sorts, and play paintball. Friday as well as today GA showed just how much they love me, by charging me money for my birthday... YIPPEE... License, $35... Car Tax, $240, Paying through the nose when your birthday comes around, Priceless!

So anyway... sorry I don't have anything really interesting to post this time... I'm sure more interesting stuff will happen in the future that I will gladly share with all of you! Till then, keep praying for me, and I will most definitely be doing the same for you! It is my hope that myself and all of my friends will be willing to give their all, and stand to the utmost against what we know is wrong, and to never let down the high standard that God has put in us, and not to let things around us effect us as to lower that standard!

James 1:12 "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him."


Anonymous said...

Hey Joe,

Have you ever heard of a place called Providence Canyon State Park? It is a 200 acre canyon...
Not sure if you have already been hear but it sounds amazing. I have book called off the beaten path and there are 21 great places to see in GA. This one looks like a picture place for sure.


Anonymous said...

that's my favorite verse!!! it has gotten me through so many times.