Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Weekend end

Well, it's Tuesday now, time to head back to work. Papers from my desk will attack me, computers will want to eat me, their pilots may just want to strangle me, but I will not go quietly, I will fight back, I will conquer the computers for one more day, and hope that I survive until 8 o'clock. =)

Seriously though, it was a great weekend, from paintball, to wood splitting, to painting ceilings. I must say though... I am just a might bit sore today, but still, much was accomplished. Saturday was the paintball festivities, I think it was 9 of us that played, I'm not sure how, but I managed to survive till the end of all but 2 games, but somewhere within those 2 game, I managed to pick up 11 welts, only 3 broken balls, but still... OWWWW. Most of them have now changed from red to black-and-blue... my only solace... knowing that the same people that gave me those black-and-blue marks all got some of the same back from me that day!! Fun was abounding that day, and at the very end of it I completely disassembled my Automag (the marker/paintball gun.) I now will begin preparing it for a new coating. I need to strip off all of the old paint, and potentially will re-coat it this weekend.

Monday came soon after... go figure... Which I started with some splitting of wood down at Ken's house. It was some hard wood to chop... some were a bit smaller and not too bad, other were bigger and still not that difficult... but some just seemed to be 50 knots all tied together and not coming apart... I think I hacked at one piece of wood for about half an hour. Still, it was a great time, I always enjoy that.

A little bit later we headed to the Yager's house, as they are fixing it up getting ready to sell it, and we helped them out a bit. My first task was hanging shelves, and when I finished there went to painting, first a ceiling, and then another room, everything but the ceiling. All in all there was a lot accomplished that day, though there is still a ton of wood to chop, we got a lot chopped, and though there is work left to do on the house, a lot was finished. So praise God for all He allowed us to accomplish on Monday, though my back may not admit it right now, it was great to go and help out part of God's family, and minister to them in that way.

Ephesians 5:1, 2 "Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children: And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savor."

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