Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Weekend

Well, it's a few days after, but I finally pulled some of the pictures off of my camera from this weekend. It was a packed weekend to say the least. We started out fairly early in the morning (by we I mean Chad, Jesse, Ruth, and I) with a shopping trip to Kroger. Now I know that sounds all fun and exciting, but the reason we did this, was because we had plans! Plans to visit Stone Mountain, climb it, and eat on it. =) All of which, by about mid-afternoon, we had accomplished.

It was a rather warm day, and as we were climbing a big rock, there wasn't a whole lot of shade to be offered, so by the top we were all ready for a nice little break. Then on the way down we stopped in a pavilion and spread out our lunch, which, by the way, was quite good. Just sandwiches, but I think because we were all so ready for lunch, it tasted really REALLY good!

Also on this day, as we have for several Saturdays in the past, we went up north of Atlanta and hit the ice. Not literally, but we did get our skates on, and were on the ice for a sum of about 2 hours. I think just about everyone knows by now, that in the fall I plan to join a hockey league, so this is all just good skating practice until that point. Jesse and Ruth still have all the pictures from that part of our day, so once I get my hands on those I will post some of them too... but until then... here are some from Stone Mountain.

Anyway, thanks to good friends for a good weekend. We may constantly pick on each other =) but I know I have some awesome friends, and they'd stand with me no matter what... Thanks guys!