Friday, March 21, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Bike!

Well, my new Yamaha YZF-R6S arrived today, earlier than expected!! Also unexpected, I was able to get the blue that I wanted... and I really can't even begin to describe just how much fun it is... I'll post more pictures when it is light outside...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Words are not enough....

There come times in our lives where there are just no words to express the well of emotion and grief inside of us... Times of tragedy that the tongue just can not tell the derision of the circumstances. During these times it becomes easy to ask "why did God allow this?!" and humanly speaking there is no answer suitable... There are no words of comfort that can take away the pain, or even begin to repeal it. During these times we can only believe that God does have His purpose, and He is in fact in control, and though we may not see the reasoning of events in the present, from our own perspective, it is there.

So how do we even begin to pick up the shattered pieces???

Where is there even a starting point????

I don't know...

The friends closest to me have suffered great loss in their family, and though I am just a friend, and not a part of the family, this hits me with overwhelming weight. I like to comfort, yet at a time like this, the comfort I have to offer seems minuscule and meaningless in light of what has happened... I like to help, yet at the moment I feel completely alone and helpless... I share the weight of this burden with them, with all of my heart, and it has left me heart-broken...

So what now... what is there that I can even say...

I have wept for them, and mourned for their loss that I even feel more vividly than I can say. But most of all, I have prayed... Prayed with a fervency that I have not in a long time, prayed with a passion, that God would be there, when the world seems to be crumbling around, that He alone would bring strength and carry them through this fire... I have prayed, and will continue to pray.

All of this has made me reflect on a few things as well... forgive with ease, don't hold bitterness, show you care, make things right with all of those around you, live life with loyalty and honesty, and love with all of your heart, because you never know what tomorrow... the next hour... or even the very next moment may bring...

To all of my friends, and my family, I say now that I truly love you with all of my heart.

Monday, March 3, 2008


I finally updated my picasa with some pictures... It's been a long time, hope you enjoy!!!